ACA "ObamaCare"
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as “Obamacare”, has served millions of people to get health care insurance. Before the ACA, health insurance was expensive and unavailable for so many people. Now, with Obamacare, it is easily available if you meet certain requirements. The government will help pay for your monthly installments and out-of-pocket cost.
Also for those who already have preexisting medical health issues, you can no longer be denied coverage under Obamacare.
Short-Terms Medical Plans
Short term insurance is for you if you are:
Not eligible or unable to apply for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare.
1. Looking for coverage to connect you to Medicare.
2. Waiting for your ACA coverage to start.
3. Turning 26 and getting off your parent’s coverage.
4. Waiting for benefits to begin at your new job.
5. Healthy and under 65.
Final Expense - Life Insurance
The very different specialties of life insurance products can seem complex. But if you’re looking for life insurance coverage for only a specific number of years, then term life insurance is likely the best. Term life insurance is often purchased by people who want life insurance to cover only their working period, or the years of a mortgage.
For long-term and lifelong requirements, permanent life insurance products are good to go as they offer both life insurance protection and cash value.
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Do you know that health insurance is required for the immigration process. But don’t worry, we are here to HELP you.